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Geometric Decoration
Dan Peluso headshot

Dan Peluso, P.E., G.E., ​​ENV SP

Principal Consultant

After decades as a geotechnical engineer, Dan Peluso still encounters the occasional problem that stumps him. Nothing makes him happier; he enjoys a puzzle and the process of working with a range of experts to solve it. 

Dan’s projects have included bridges, wastewater treatment plants, levees, and other critical infrastructure. Along the way, he’s learned that the better he understands a project’s goals and moving parts, the more value he adds — more than he can do by relying solely on his own expertise. Dan’s approach is to ask a lot of questions of clients and collaborators at the start of a project and listen to both what they say and how they say it, seeking clues to how his piece of the puzzle completes the bigger picture.  

  • Checkmark Foundation reports 
  • Checkmark Geotechnical engineering  
  • Checkmark Geologic and geotechnical investigations  
  • Checkmark Site characterization 
  • Checkmark Subsurface investigation 
  • Checkmark Civil engineering 
  • Checkmark Construction and structural design recommendations 
  • Checkmark Damage assessments

“My favorite projects are the most challenging ones. I love it when a real head-scratcher comes my way.”