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Geometric Decoration
Suribhatla Raghavendra Headshot

Raghavendra Suribhatla Maruti, Ph.D., P.E.

Technical Expert, Environmental and Water Resources Engineer

Raghu brings analytical expertise and a passion for sustainability and climate resilience to every engagement. He is driven to apply his quantitative and numerical modeling skills to support good decision making even when conditions are uncertain. He constantly strives to learn and apply new knowledge so he can innovate and bring value to clients.  

In his nearly two decades of research and consulting experience, Raghu has developed innovative techniques that combine simple upscaling with geostatistical models to integrate multiple datasets and image subsurface heterogeneity. He has organized research workshops on high-resolution site characterization, pump-and-treat optimization, and data visualization. He has also served as technical lead for modeling seawater intrusion in complex hydrogeologic settings, integrated surface water-groundwater modeling, and basin-scale sustainable groundwater management.

“I aspire to be a sustainable person and sincerely believe that we can leave our environment and communities better than we inherited them by being mindful of our footprint and challenging ourselves to innovate.”