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Scrapers conducting soil flip


Haley & Aldrich speeds resolution at space research facility, avoiding millions in remediation costs

$6M to $10M

avoided in remediation costs

Up to $100K

reduction in sampling costs


  • As part of the purchase and sale agreement (PSA) for parts of its research facility in California, our client — an aerospace company — had to secure a No Further Action (NFA) letter from the regional water quality control board (RWQCB) within only 18 months. To do so, the company had to address concentrations of chemicals of concern that were above accepted levels for soil vapor and groundwater.
  • The company selected Haley & Aldrich to help with this challenge because we are one of its go-to environmental consultants and we could bring both strong relationships with regulators and risk assessment and vapor intrusion expertise to the job.
  • We proactively and frequently communicated with regulators to implement an innovative and rigorously technical process for assessing the nature and extent of the issue. Our approach reduced the sampling timeline, secured regulatory approval to use less-conservative attenuation factors, and ultimately saved the client time and money.
  • We also developed a site-specific interactive data visualization and statistical evaluation tool to graphically present complex data and efficiently evaluate trends, which the regulators appreciated for being both transparent and clear.
  • The client beat the tight deadline, received a fair market price for the property, and retained no liability for soil and soil vapor. Today, the new owner is redeveloping the property into a robust commercial facility.

For more information, contact:

Colleen Canfield

Senior Technical Expert, Geology

Anita Broughton headshot
Anita Broughton

Principal Consultant

Joe Weidmann
Joe Weidmann

Technical Expert, Hydrogeology