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Haley & Aldrich streamlines vapor intrusion investigation and obtains regulatory and stakeholder support for Superfund site

5 months

saved using a streamlined approach to complete vapor intrusion assessments and reporting


saved through an efficient regulatory approval process


  • Haley & Aldrich’s remediation team helped the potentially responsible parties (PRPs) for a Superfund site complete a sitewide remedial investigation and feasibility study.
  • We listened to our clients’ and other stakeholders’ concerns and helped all parties align around a common end goal.
  • We designed an efficient and standard vapor intrusion assessment approach that could be used by others at the site and customized for site conditions as needed, making it more cost-effective to implement.
  • We also proactively involved the EPA to expedite regulatory approval.

For more information, contact:

Elie H. Haddad

Principal Consultant