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Hospital Flood engineering


Forward-thinking geotechnical expertise helps protect New York hospital from flooding


  • Haley & Aldrich’s geotechnical team helped a hospital located in a floodplain protect its infrastructure and operations.
  • We designed and constructed a cost-effective flood wall that met the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) 500-year flood wall requirements and and would enable the hospital to withstand major storms
  • The hospital remained fully operational during the project. And after project completion the flood wall withstood a real-life test: back-to-back tropical storms caused major flooding and damage 2,000 buildings in the area, but left the hospital unscathed.

For more information, contact:

Ed Zamiskie
Edward Zamiskie

Market Leader, Government

Carrie Layhee

Senior Client Account Manager, Geotechnical Engineer